segunda-feira, junho 28, 2010

Aborcionsta: Não Vai Haver Ajuda Maternal e Infantil Enquanto Não se Avançar com Aborto

Parece que a srª Clinton acha que matar o bebé ainda por nascer é condição vital para se poder ajudar as nações que não tem suficiente ajuda médica.

Anne Halpine and Greg Pfundstein ask why the Obama administration wants to derail efforts by the G-8 to send aid to improve maternal and infant health in the poorest nations of the world. The G-8 met this week to discuss a wide variety of topics, mainly focusing on economic growth but also foreign aid. In their National Review column, Halpine and Pfundstein report that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants that aid held hostage in order to push an abortion agenda:

On the agenda at the G8 summit in Canada is promoting maternal and infant health in the poorest parts of the globe. The high rates of maternal and infant mortality in many countries are an impediment to democracy and social development, to say nothing of a human tragedy for these communities. Commitments of resources from the G8 countries to address these problems should be welcomed and commended. Why, then, is the Obama delegation threatening to derail these agreements?

Given this, one would expect there to be universal support for Canada’s leadership in taking on these problems and working to meet these critical needs. But the Obama administration is obstructing this positive consensus.

Hillary Clinton, when asked about Canada’s G8 plan to address infant and maternal health in the developing world, said the following: “You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.” …

Portanto, segundo esta promotora do eugenismo e defensora da racista Margaret Sanger, não se vai ajudar as mães africanas enquanto não se forçar o aborto nesses mesmos países.

Ela está disposta a deixar que mulheres africanas e bebés africanos morram por falta de apoio médico do que deixar de lado as suas motivações infanticidas.

Isto mostra de forma bem clara que, aqueles que não tem consideração pela vida no seu estado mais frágil, não vão ter consideração pela vida em estados mais avançados.

O eugenismo não morreu com Hitler; apenas mudou de nome. Agora chama-se aborto.

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