1. Sociedades que promovem/aceitam/legalizam a homosexualdade têm maiores indices de bébés nascidos fora do vínculo do casamento.
"Anthropologist Stanley Kurtz writes, "When we look at Nordland and Nord-Troendelag — the Vermont and Massachusetts of Norway — we are peering as far as we can into the future of marriage in a world where gay marriage is almost totally accepted. What we see is a place where marriage itself has almost totally disappeared." He asserts that "Scandinavian gay marriage has driven home the message that marriage itself is outdated, and that virtually any family form, including out-of-wedlock parenthood, is acceptable."2. Algumas paradas de "orgulho gay" mais não são que lugares de pornografia em público (Obs: contém fotos chocantes), mesmo na presença de crianças.
3. De acordo com um estudo, o abuso de crianças e a pedofilia são proporcionalmente mais comuns entre os homosexuais do que entre os heterosexuais.
"Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture," wrote Steve Baldwin in, "Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement," soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review."4. A actividade homosexual masculina acarreta consigo mais riscos médicos do que a actividade sexual heterosexual.
"Male homosexual behaviour is not simply either 'active' or 'passive,' since penile-anal, mouth-penile, and hand-anal sexual contact is usual for both partners, and mouth-anal contact is not infrequent. . . . Mouth-anal contact is the reason for the relatively high incidence of diseases caused by bowel pathogens in male homosexuals. Trauma may encourage the entry of micro-organisms and thus lead to primary syphilitic lesions occurring in the anogenital area. . . . In addition to sodomy, trauma may be caused by foreign bodies, including stimulators of various kinds, penile adornments, and prostheses."5. Mulheres que se descrevem como lésbicas são mais propensas a terem mais parceiros sexuais masculinos do que as mulheres heterosexuais.
"Not only did lesbians commonly have sex with men, but with lots of men. They were 4.5 times as likely as exclusively heterosexual controls to have had more than 50 lifetime male sex partners. Consequently, the lesbians' median number of male partners was twice that of exclusively heterosexual women. Lesbians were three to four times more likely than heterosexual women to have sex with men who were high-risk for HIV disease-homosexual, bisexual, or IV drug-abusing men.66 The study "demonstrates that WSW [women who have sex with women] are more likely than non- WSW to engage in recognized HIV risk behaviours such as IDU [intravenous drug use], sex work, sex with a bisexual man, and sex with a man who injects drugs, confirming previous reports."6. Homosexuais são mais propensos a sofrer de problemas psicológicos do que os heterosexuais, mesmo em países onde a homosexualidade é aceite como normal.
"The Dutch study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, did indeed find a high rate of psychiatric disease associated with same-sex sex. Compared to controls who had no homosexual experience in the 12 months prior to the interview, males who had any homosexual contact within that time period were much more likely to experience major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder. Females with any homosexual contact within the previous 12 months were more often diagnosed with major depression, social phobia or alcohol dependence."
Os pesquisadores holandeses concluiram:
"The Dutch researchers concluded, "this study offers evidence that homosexuality is associated with a higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders. The outcomes are in line with findings from earlier studies in which less rigorous designs have been employed."7. Violência doméstica é mais elevada entre os homosexuais do que entre so heterosexuais.
8. As uniões homosexuais são geralmente de curta duração."Violence among homosexual partners is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples".
In 2000, the pro-homosexual agenda newspaper the New York Times in an article entitled Silence Ending About Abuse in Gay Relationships cites some information which may indicate that domestic abuse may be under-reported in relation to couples who engage in homosexuality.[86] The New York Times article states the following:
“But the issue of gay domestic abuse has been shrouded by silence until recently...
For years, gay people have tried to keep quiet about the problem, said Dave Shannon, coordinator of the violence recovery program at Fenway Community Health, a gay and lesbian clinic in Boston.
Mr. Shannon said: People feel, 'Why should we air our dirty laundry? People feel so negatively about us already, the last thing we should do is contribute to negative stereotypes of us.
"Homosexual partnerships are significantly more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marriages with the average homosexual relationship lasting only two to three years."
1 comentários:
Se há coisa que sinceramente nunca percebi foi a homofobia.
Que diferença me pode fazer que uma pessoa tenha um comportamento sexual, seja ele qual for, que não prejudique terceiros?
Custa-me muito pensar que há pessoas que se abstem toda a vida de sexo e que praticam sempre a castidade. No entanto se a pessoa se sente bem assim o que diabos é que eu tenho com isso ?
Se. e só se, a pessoa me pedisse opinião, dir-lhe-ia para experimentar mas só isso. Fazer uma campanha publica contra a castidade e criticar os castos ? É uma questão de liberdade individual.
O mesmo se passa com a fidelidade, infidelidade, swing, BDSM ou qualquer outra actividade consentida entre adultos.
O que é que nós temos com isso ?
Deixa lá a vida alheia.
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